Send all Entry Forms to the Entry Clerk, if NOT submitted electronically through the form below:
Diane A Benedict
50 Bruce Street
Walton, NY 13856
For questions, email Diane at: Please use the form below unless otherwise directed by the specific department. Check individual departments for entry instructions.
**Dept. W -- Bring exhibit(s) to the Arts & Crafts Building Saturday before the Fair, 10:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.
Exhibitors requesting camper space should complete "Camper Request Form" found on this website.
I hereby authorize you to enter the following articles in my name to compete for premiums according to the Rules and Regulations found on the Fair website;
At the close of Friday by 8 p.m. all Electronic Entries will no longer be accepted. You must come to that Department on the Fairgrounds Saturday morning to enter your items. Make sure you read the entry time in the Homemaking Dept/Flowers/Table Settings and Vegetables for judging times and when their entries are due.
Thank you so much,
Diane Benedict, Entry Clerk